Contacts | Bianchi Angelo

Turning small metal parts – precision mechanical small parts

For a quote or any information do not hesitate to contact u. You can call or e-mail us.

Faremo del nostro meglio per risponderti il prima possibile.

    * Campi obbligatori

    Read the privacy polity: I declare I have read the Information sheet in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 196/2002 and (EU) Regulation 2016/279 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR).

    Administrative and operational headquarters

    Brignano Gera D’adda (Bg)
    Via Galileo Galilei, 12 – 24053
    +39 0363 814033

    Company data

    C.F/P.IVA 04540200161
    Cap. Soc. € 500.000,00 interamente versato
    CCIAA Bergamo n. 470652
    Reg. Imprese di Bergamo n. 04540200161