Modula Lift 500 EN | Bianchi Angelo

10 September 2021

Modula Lift 500 EN

With the beginning of September, we welcome the new Modula vertical warehouse for tools and equipment …
Here are some affected data:

1. Total height of 7 meters.
2. It can accommodate 81 drawers with a maximum capacity of 500 kg.
3. Everything will be managed by the business management program in order to ensure the stocks and the redirection of the material under the past …

Administrative and operational headquarters

Brignano Gera D’adda (Bg)
Via Galileo Galilei, 12 – 24053
+39 0363 814033

Company data

C.F/P.IVA 04540200161
Cap. Soc. € 500.000,00 interamente versato
CCIAA Bergamo n. 470652
Reg. Imprese di Bergamo n. 04540200161