Lead-free brass | Bianchi Angelo

1 July 2020

Lead-free brass

Currently with reference to the RoHS, Reach and the European Union directives which provide for the exemption of Lead (up to max <0.1%) in copper-zinc alloys, we inform you that Bianchi Angelo S.r.l has specialized in the production of components of low-lead components for years.
The company has been already producing parts in Ecobrass (CuZn21Si3) and Ecosi (Cw724R) with its own machinery department.

Administrative and operational headquarters

Brignano Gera D’adda (Bg)

Via Galileo Galilei, 12 – 24053

+39 0363 814033



Company data

C.F/P.IVA 04540200161

Cap. Soc. € 500.000,00 interamente versato

CCIAA Bergamo n. 470652

Reg. Imprese di Bergamo n. 04540200161