Extraordinary closure due to pandemic | Bianchi Angelo

12 March 2020

Extraordinary closure due to pandemic

We inform you that Bianchi Angelo S.r.l will be closed for the sanitization of the entire plant and related systems from Wednesday 01/04/2020 until Saturday 04/04/2020 (as per the Workers’ protocol request).

The activity will be with a reduced number of workers, on Monday 06/04/2020.

During the sanitization, however, we will remain available both on calls and via email.

Administrative and operational headquarters

Brignano Gera D’adda (Bg)
Via Galileo Galilei, 12 – 24053
+39 0363 814033



Company data

C.F/P.IVA 04540200161
Cap. Soc. € 500.000,00 interamente versato
CCIAA Bergamo n. 470652
Reg. Imprese di Bergamo n. 04540200161